To begin, I ask what the 20s are all about???
No, not the speak easy, Great Gatsby 20s, but the years of your life that range from the age of 20 to 29. The years that include for many college, their first rude awakening of the real world, getting hitched and for either the modern day aggressive or mistake prone, a newborn child. Needless to say, these years of many people's lives, including my own are an immense discovery opportunity to find out what you want to do, what you love and who you love. Once you step off campus, you realize that the massive group of peers you were trying to impress since the days of junior high matter no more. No more of doing something in exchange for the fear of not fitting in or the fear of missing out.
The focus is now squarely put on doing what you enjoy and what makes you happiest.
This feeling of autonomy is what makes the age of your 20's so unique and so awesome. You can (legally) do whatever you want and many cases, the only repercussion from your mistake is a learning experience where you chalk up your loss, move and hopefully never make that same mistake again. To put it simply, The cost of fucking up is less severe than any other part of your life and your ROI on your mistakes is greatest. There's no mouths to feed if you go financially broke, no house to sell if you decide to pack your bags and move to a new city, and no judgement if you change careers.
Now is the time to be taking risks.
You can YOLO every day but all of this can change on a dime at any moment. You can get that corporate promotion that comes with nice pay raise making it more difficult to leave to start a business. You may end up meeting that someone special and first comes love, next comes marriage and next comes a baby in a baby carriage. For any of us, who knows when any of these things will happen, its just fate. But once fate hits, the Friday nights of going out to an awesome concert are replaced with waiting for the baby to fall asleep or Saturdays at the beach are replaced with planting bushes in your new backyard. There's nothing wrong with either of those things, but the days of spontaneity are replaced with a harmonious routine. A routine that's placed squarely in your comfort zone, with each day that passes, makes it harder and harder to break.
Now is the time to be living outside your comfort zone.
These three things of doing what you love, taking risks and living living outside my comfort zone are three core values right now that drive everything I do. So quitting my job, packing my bags and flying around the world by myself Inherently seems quite logical.
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